
Below is an overview of selected projects that highlight different work and methodologies.

Weaver sitting on a floor loom holds piece of cloth they are currently working on.
Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash.

Designing an Audio-enhanced Weaving Loom

Led research, design and development of an audio-enhanced loom to support accessible weaving experiences.

Silver phone on white table displays Shopify webpage that reads "Start your business, take the steps to move from ambition to action."
Photo by Roberto Cortese on Unsplash.

Understanding Accessibility in Online Marketplaces

Led research on how disabled creators sell and promote their work using social media and e-commerce platforms.

Child sitting on chair beside table using tablet computer.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash.

Exploring Surface Haptics for Sensory Play and Learning

Led research, design and development of mini games to support sensory play and learning among children with sensory processing disorder on a haptic-feedback tablet.